Kamala Harris: The New Lady Liberty

Kamala Harris: The New Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty Then and Now: Kamala Harris as the New Icon of Freedom. Story by Eleonora de Gray, Editor-in-Chief of RUNWAY MAGAZINE. Photo Courtesy: GettyImages / Albert Fernique – archive Meister Drucke / Bas Uterwijk / Photoshop Surgeon.

Kamala Harris – The Embodiment of Liberty

Lady Liberty has long been a symbol of freedom, justice, and equality in America. Today, that symbol finds a powerful embodiment in Kamala Harris, a woman of color who has broken barriers and continues to champion the ideals that define liberty. As the first female Vice President and the candidate for President of the United States, Harris stands as a modern-day Lady Liberty, representing and fighting for the freedoms that have shaped the nation.

Kamala Harris is a force of change and a defender of the values that Lady Liberty has symbolized for generations. In her, we see the spirit of liberty come alive – she is a voice for justice, a champion of equality, and an advocate for the rights and freedoms.

As we explore the origins and legacy of Lady Liberty, we will see how Kamala Harris carries this legacy forward today. She is the torchbearer of freedom, ensuring that the ideals of liberty continue to shine bright in our time. Harris represents more than a political role; she embodies the very essence of what it means to be free and equal in America.

11 Kamala Harris The New Lady Liberty

The Story Behind Lady Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, officially named Liberty Enlightening the World, is one of the most enduring symbols of freedom and democracy. Dedicated on October 28, 1886, it stands at the entrance of New York Harbor, welcoming Americans, visitors, and immigrants alike.

The statue was a gift from France, conceived during a time of political upheaval in the French Third Republic. It was intended to commemorate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence and to serve as a symbol of the shared values between France and the United States. The sculptor, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, was tasked with bringing this vision to life. He had earlier envisioned a colossal statue for the Suez Canal, drawing inspiration from ancient Egyptian monuments and the Colossus of Rhodes. Although the Suez project never materialized, the idea found a new home in the United States.

Gustave Eiffel, renowned for his work on the Eiffel Tower, designed the internal structure, ensuring that the statue could endure the elements. The statue’s design was meant to symbolize enlightenment, freedom, and the enduring spirit of liberty.

The identity of Lady Liberty

The identity of Lady Liberty’s model has been the subject of much speculation. Some theories suggest the model may have been a black woman, a choice that would resonate deeply with the ideals of freedom and liberation that the statue represents. Another inspiration was Isabella Eugénie Boyer, wife of the sculptor, although the true identity remains a topic of mystery.

How the STATUE OF LIBERTY looked in REAL LIFE AI restoration by Bas Uterwijk, Amsterdam
How the STATUE OF LIBERTY looked in REAL LIFE – AI restoration by Bas Uterwijk, Amsterdam
How the STATUE OF LIBERTY looked in REAL LIFE work by Photoshop Surgeon
How the STATUE OF LIBERTY looked in REAL LIFE work by Photoshop Surgeon

The Statue of Liberty stands as a powerful symbol of the shared ideals between France and the United States. While Bartholdi’s grand vision originally took shape in the political landscape of 19th-century France, it ultimately became a defining feature of the American landscape, embodying the hope and promise of a new world.

What is undeniable is the statue’s powerful symbolism and its connection to the struggle for freedom and equality. In this light, Kamala Harris, a woman of color, can be seen as a modern embodiment of Lady Liberty herself. Her origins, like the model of the statue, reflect the diverse and complex history of America. Kamala Harris, like Lady Liberty, stands as a beacon of hope and justice, a living representation of the ideals the statue has symbolized for over a century.

The resemblance is striking – Kamala Harris, with her deep commitment to justice and equality, appears almost as if Lady Liberty has materialized in our time, God-sent to carry the torch of freedom into the future. Just as Lady Liberty welcomed the tired, poor, and huddled masses yearning to breathe free, Kamala Harris represents the ongoing fight for those same values in a modern world.

Posted from New York, Manhattan, United States.