Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 vs Batman

Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 vs Batman “Comic Strip”. Review by Eleonora de Gray, Editor-in-Chief of RUNWAY MAGAZINE.

Bruno Sialelli, who designs for Lanvin today, decided completely go away from the Lanvin brand heritage, identity and DNA. Beautiful history of Lanvin fashion house, actually the first fashion house in the history, was founded by Jeanne Lanvin, who invented new marketing strategies for the tailors at that time, she was the first one who cut the skirt and made it a little shorter. Fabulous and elegant pieces for more than a century this French fashion house was giving to the world. READ HERE THE HISTORY OF LANVIN HOUSE.

Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 Batman by RUNWAY MAGAZINE
Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 Batman by RUNWAY MAGAZINE

But it’s all in the past, dropped in the garbage. Who needs today elegant looks, that’s what probably thought Bruno Sialelli when we all can go PARTY! Blank page, starting from the scratch probably a good idea for an emerging brand, but not for the brand who still has very expensive pieces from the last 2 seasons designed by Bruno Sialelli marinating in the stores. Blink-blink choice of the designer didn’t bring any interest or success. Bruno Sialelli claimed in his interview to Vogue that he is happy that he sold couple of pieces to celebrities. And that is why he decided to go further.

Superhero was definitely missing here. Batman was everywhere: Batman-adorned metallic gazer dresses, Batman-adorned blouses and skirts, Batmobile bags.

Perhaps it is a good time to rename fashion house Lanvin into Batvin, and sold the archives of the house on the auctions. Who needs them anyway? It is a Batman party time.

Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 Batman by RUNWAY MAGAZINE
Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 Batman by RUNWAY MAGAZINE

So Bruno Sialelli said in the press-release that he reflected very well the “different sides of a woman’s psyche” and came up with Batman, and this is the time to party and get disguised. When he was a child he was inspired by Batman, so Batman it is.

Styling these Halloween costumes, Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 collection that is, he obviously forgot about elegance, so the looks are pretty cheapish. I can only guess that next inspiration would be a SLUTTY NURSE, a costume so loved by men at Halloween parties.

Naomi Campbell closed the show of Lanvin dressed entirely like a Batman with big black cape. Someone definitely flashed her up last night…

The only question is how long Lanvin Fashion House will last? 2-3 seasons more? And then they’ll definitely need a superhero to rescue. If there will something left… Sonia Rykiel, Nina Ricci, Lanvin will be next…

Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 Batman by RUNWAY MAGAZINE
Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 Batman by RUNWAY MAGAZINE

See all looks Lanvin Spring Summer 2022 Batman

Posted from Paris, Le Marais, France.