Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training

Influencer Alice Cathelineau, better known as @AliceCatDesigner, lifts the veil and launches her trendy Instagram training.

This is the time when an Influencer decides to reveal all the secrets to become influential on social networks and in particulary on Instagram. Alice is a dynamic young woman with many talents. Fashion addict who’s creating her word from the objects and looks. She creates beautiful daily life on her instagram.

Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training
Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training

So she decides to share her experience and created the courses about how to be successful on Instagram. @AliceCatDesigner Training is a special program about how to become influential. Many young people wish make it their job, and it is not always easy in the Fashion to find a place. Alice supports brands, companies, freelancers, curious people in retraining, individuals, supports them in their projects to make fashion and digital influence as business.

Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training
Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training

These Instagram training courses offered on French, and 100% funded by Pole Emploi:
! INSTA’FLUENCE for influencers, future influencers, individuals, artists, politicians, …
! DIGITAL SUCCESS PRO for brands, entrepreneurs, community managers, fairs…

Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training
Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training
Influencer Alice Cathelineau @AliceCatDesigner launches Instagram training